Plasma Experts from Science and Industry
We work with a wide variety of experts to ensure that our Academy's output is as lively and productive as possible. In addition to our in-house experts, these include prominent scientists from all over the world and leading industry figures. When selecting our speakers and lecturers, we attach equal importance to high standards of technical expertise and a willingness to engage in discourse. We believe that all Academy content should create opportunities for fruitful dialogue.
As Diversified as our Partner Network, as Diversified is our Program

The variety in our program reflects the diversity of our network of partners:
Our customers often share their own experience in our Best Practice units.
Whether you want to refresh your basic plasma knowledge or find answers to concrete questions:
Our team has – or will create – the right course for you.
Organisation and Contact Person
Erhard Krampe
Manager for Technology Transfer and Knowledge Exchange MSM Medical Technology