How to evaluate the result of surface pretreatment with Openair-Plasma®

60 min

Please note that this PlasmaTalk will be in Spanish only.

In product development and manufacturing, it is critical to ensure high product quality and meet various product requirements. For example, reliable and durable adhesion in printing processes, coatings or bonding of different materials.

Stable adhesion can be achieved by modifying the surface with Openair-Plasma®, which increases the surface energy and wettability of the material. The key to identifying the appropriate process parameters is to measure the surface tension before and after the treatment. Contact angle measurement is an ideal method for this purpose. To determine the contact angle, special instruments are used to measure the contact angle in a drop of water deposited on the surface. This allows the surface tension and wetting in the material to be determined.

In the PlasmaTalk "How to evaluate the result of surface pretreatment with Openair-Plasma®" our experts will give you an introduction to surface treatment and analysis. David Fernandez, Technical Sales Manager of KRÜSS GmbH Spain, will present different possibilities of surface analysis. For example, how contact angle measurement works and the importance of the results. Desiderio Diaz, Director of Plasmatreat Iberia S.L., will present plasma technology and how activation with Openair-Plasma® allows optimal conditions.

After attending the PlasmaTalk you will know more about:

  • The meaning and importance of Surface Free Energy
  • How to optimize your precesses with plasma treatment
  • Advantages of SFE (surface free energy) measurement compared to test inks
  • What to do if overtreatment is not detectable with the naked eye

This free PlasmaTalk is intended for R&D personnel, quality control, designers, process engineers and operators in industrial processes.
The PlasmaTalk will last approximately 40-60 minutes plus the Q&A session.

Please send your questions in advance to Our audience is international, the time interval is in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Check your time zone using the time calculator below (TimeCalc).